Calling All Chefs! Next Level Burgers Wanted

JKGF previewed the expectations at Del Campo in D.C. This is the Blended Burger submitted by Cuba Libre.
Ever wanted to see what goes on in the James Beard House? Are you a chef?? The Blended Burger Project might be your chance at seeing the inside of the acclaimed foundations headquarters. It is an initiative to drive attention to ‘blended burgers’ by getting chefs to create and menu these more delicious and nutritious burgers this summer for the opportunity to cook at the James Beard House later this fall. How to get involved? Deets below:
1. Sign up here.
2. Create your “Blended Burger” by blending at least 25 percent fresh and chopped cultivated mushrooms into your burger patty. Learn more about The Blend here.
3. Send a high-res photo of your Blended Burger dish to Michelle Santoro at for use in the online voting gallery.
4. Spread the word about the contest and your Blended Burger by creating buzz on social media. Encourage your guests to post your Blended Burger on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Promote the #BlendedBurgerProject hashtag and voting instructions on a chalkboard displayed in the restaurant.
5. Menu the dish throughout the promotion period, which is Memorial Day through July 31, 2016.
6. Ask your customers to vote for your Blended Burger here:
The five (5) chefs with the most online votes will win a trip to the historic James Beard House in New York City, where they will cook their Blended Burgers at the welcome reception for the annual JBF Food Conference, taking place October 17 and 18, 2016.
Category: Announcements, MD, New York, VA, Washington D.C.