Slice of Life is Back!
Slice of Life is back and we are excited to share this annual pie sale. Slice of life is one of the most basic ways to give back to the community: buy a pie, provide one full day of meals for a Food & Friends client-children and adults battling cancer, HIV/AIDS, or other critical illnesses. It is that simple. Food & Friends’ large-scale effort is to deliver nutritious meals to those in the community living with life-challenging illnesses. Pies may be purchased directly from Food & Friends or through corporate or individual pie sellers. Visit to find a directory of pie sellers, to sign up as a seller or to purchase online. Pie sales close on Thursday, November 17th.
Baguette Republic, a traditional wholesale bakery located in Sterling, Virginia, will bake the pies again this year. Pies are available in five delicious flavors: Homemade Apple, Spiced Pumpkin, Oh So Sweet Potato, Southern Pecan and the American Airlines Sky Pie–a chocolate amaretto brownie with almonds and powdered sugar. Pie prices range from $28-$45.
Category: Announcements, Dessert, Donate, Etiquette Tuesday, MD, VA, Washington D.C.