Etiquette Tuesday: DO’S & DON’TS of Turkey Day
Before you pick out the best jeans for eating large portions, you should read this and please share with someone you know who will likely make a party foul. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays for the obvious reason, food, but also because of the time spent with family and friends. Etiquette is a must under these circumstances and this is one of those many times that we are oh so happy that we created Etiquette Tuesday. Here’s a list of the Top Five Do’s and Don’ts of Turkey Day:
- DO offer to bring a dish or contribute to the cooking/cleaning/prep in some way. Everyone likes to eat but not everyone wants to do the dirty work that’s involved with the massive feast. This helps the host in such a big way and should always be on your list when joining someone in their house for a dinner party or the like.
- DON’T take whatever you brought home with you for the feast UNLESS the host insists that you take it back home with you. This includes, but is not limited to, alcohols, wine, desserts, side dishes, etc. This does not include the baking dishes you brought the food in, totally ask for these before exiting or you may never see them again.
- DO take note of dietary restrictions. In today’s day and age, everybody is something: vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, pescatarian, I don’t eat chocolate after 9, blah, blah, blah. Be sure to get a general consensus of your guests diet restrictions or if you are the guest, what the hosts dietary restrictions, if any, entail.
- DON’T show up with an entourage UNLESS you have told the host that you are bringing the crew. Most cooks are preparing for you and perhaps another guest unless you have indicated you are bringing your entire team. For prepping purposes and to be courteous, either warn them if you are bringing an extra guest or skip the whole inviting someone to the feast altogether.
- DO bring an absolute attitude of gratitude. Thanksgiving is all about giving, well, thanks. Leave all your gripes of the work week or irritating neighbor away from the dinner table and take in all the gifts the gracious host has prepared.
With these tips, you and yours are sure to have a wonderful Turkey Day. Enjoy and most important: Eat Lots and Give Thanks!
Category: Etiquette Tuesday