Products We Love: Thoughts on The Garlic Chop
The smell of garlic makes me happy…except when it’s hiding under my nails long after I finished cooking with it. The Garlic Chop is the newest addition to my kitchen gadgets where it boasts chopping, crushing, mincing and slicing garlic without leaving a robust scent on your hands. Nearly every recipe that comes through my kitchen features some form of garlic, even my scramabled eggs get a hit in the morning. Needless to say The Garlic Chop was promptly put to use.
Lightweight and easy instruction, the Garlic Chop functions with a couple of twists after inserting the garlic cloves (built for 4 peeled cloves) and includes a rising plate that pushes the garlic upward for accessibility. The device boasts no more scraping and scooping for garlic, but this is the part that I found to be the most difficult. The initial twist and turn is exactly what I have been looking for in a garlic chopper, but the post work that it takes to get the chopped garlic out is what gave me some displeasure. Most of the chopped garlic makes its way out but you have to gently tap the rest out.
The Garlic Chop makes my life easier in one way: 1. I do not have to chop garlic anymore. What a relief?! (*I know, I know. First world problems, but still…I’m happy about this…). A small step in the right direction, The Garlic Chop has planted the seed that should be carried on with like products. Can we get a shallot chopper on the market?? I’m just saying…
Category: Food.Fun.Stuff.