Etiquette Tuesday’s are teaching JKGF a thing or two about the proper way of dining out…or maybe it’s VH1 that’s doing the job. Last night while being a TV bum, we came across the VH1 “reality” series “I Want to Work for Diddy“ and were sucked in by the episode. This particular episode was focused on the food so of course, we stopped and took note (*It is rare we watch anything un-food related except for the occasional (ok, everyday) Law & Order…). For those who have never seen this show, it is basically a group of individuals who are all applying to be Sean “Puffy” Combs personal assistant (*Owner of Sean John Clothing, Bad Boy Music, etc.). They have to complete various challenges in efforts to show they are worthy of the job.In this particular challenge, the applicants were assigned to host a dinner party for Diddy (*aka Puffy) and his family. They had to learn all these dining etiquette rules and cooking techniques in preparation for the meal. We took away the first lesson of the night for this Etiquette Tuesday: Proper serving. After all the numerous restaurants, dinners and the like that we have been to, we never take the time to check to see if we are being served properly. Proper serving goes like this: Food is served from the left and empty dishes are taking away from the right. Of course, wine and other beverages are poured from the right so the server does not reach in front of the guest.We know, we know, these are simplest of everyday dining etiquette, but honestly we had never taken the time to look into it until now. We know good food and are learning a new thing or two on good etiquette. What’s sad about this though is probably what forced us to think about this: The cook on the episode was like Diddy’s children knew all about the proper etiquette and the quality of food (*so applicants don’t slip!)…isn’t his oldest 17? This would mean that in our 20-some odd years, we know less about dining etiquette than a 17 year old. JKGF get it together…
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Category: Food.Fun.Stuff.
Johnna French is a Harlem NY native with deep roots in Panama, Washington, DC and North Carolina. All four places have heavily influenced her life and the foods she loves today. After graduating Howard University School of Law and beginning her life as a young professional in the city she was led to start Johnna Knows Good Food in November 2007 to keep family, friends and colleagues updated on where to go and what to eat while dining in the nation’s capitol. French, who still practices law, leads a team of three writers to cover the ever expanding Washington, DC food scene. French has been featured in print and television, appearing in Washingtonian Magazine and is a regular contributor to various local TV affiliates including WUSA 9, FOX 5 DC and WJLA (ABC Affiliate) News Channel 8. During the 2016-2017 football season, Johnna aired on Comcast Sports Mid-Atlantic (CSN) show, Redskins Life, as the weekly tailgate host. Johnna is currently a regular contributor to the FOX Baltimore Weekend morning show.